9. Generic Data Makers

9.1. Generic Generators

The current generic generators are presented within the following sections.

9.1.1. GENP - Pattern Generation


Generate basic data based on a pattern and different parameters.



|_ pattern
|      | desc: Pattern to be used for generating data
|      | default: b'1234567890' [type: bytes]
|_ prefix
|      | desc: Prefix added to the pattern
|      | default: b'' [type: bytes]
|_ suffix
|      | desc: Suffix replacing the end of the pattern
|      | default: b'' [type: bytes]
|_ size
|      | desc: Size of the generated data.
|      | default: None [type: int]
|_ eval
|      | desc: The pattern will be evaluated before being used. Note that the
|      |       evaluation shall result in a byte string.
|      | default: False [type: bool]

9.1.2. POPULATION - Generator for Evolutionary Fuzzing

This generator is used only internally by the evolutionary fuzzing infrastructure.

9.2. Generic Disruptors

The current generic disruptors are presented within the following sections.

9.2.1. Stateful Disruptors tTYPE - Advanced Alteration of Terminal Typed Node


Perform alterations on typed nodes (one at a time) according to:

  • their type (e.g., INT, Strings, …)

  • their attributes (e.g., allowed values, minimum size, …)

  • knowledge retrieved from the data (e.g., if the input data uses separators, their symbols are leveraged in the fuzzing)

  • knowledge on the target retrieved from the project file or dynamically from feedback inspection (e.g., C language, GNU/Linux OS, …)

If the input has different shapes (described in non-terminal nodes), this will be taken into account by fuzzing every shape combinations.

Note: this disruptor includes what tSEP does and goes beyond with respect to separators.



|_ init
|      | desc: make the model walker ignore all the steps until the provided
|      |       one
|      | default: 1 [type: int]
|_ max_steps
|      | desc: maximum number of steps (-1 means until the end)
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ min_node_tc
|      | desc: Minimum number of test cases per node (-1 means until the end)
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ max_node_tc
|      | desc: Maximum number of test cases per node (-1 means until the end).
|      |       This value is used for nodes with a fuzz weight strictly greater
|      |       than 1.
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ clone_node
|      | desc: if True, this operator will always return a copy of the node. (for
|      |       stateless disruptors dealing with big data it can be useful
|      |       to it to False)
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ path
|      | desc: Graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ sem
|      | desc: Semantics to select nodes on which the disruptor should apply.
|      | default: None [type: str, list]
|_ deep
|      | desc: When set to True, if a node structure has changed, the modelwalker
|      |       will reset its walk through the children nodes
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ full_combinatory
|      | desc: When set to True, enable full-combinatory mode for non-terminal
|      |       nodes. It means that the non-terminal nodes will be customized
|      |       in "FullCombinatory" mode
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ ign_sep
|      | desc: when set to True, separators will be ignored if
|      |       any are defined.
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ fix
|      | desc: limit constraints fixing to the nodes related to the currently
|      |       fuzzed one (only implemented for 'sync_size_with' and
|      |       'sync_enc_size_with')
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ fix_all
|      | desc: for each produced data, reevaluate the constraints on the whole
|      |       graph
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ order
|      | desc: when set to True, the fuzzing order is strictly guided by the
|      |       data structure. Otherwise, fuzz weight (if specified in the
|      |       data model) is used for ordering
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ fuzz_mag
|      | desc: order of magnitude for maximum size of some fuzzing test cases.
|      | default: 1.0 [type: float]
|_ make_determinist
|      | desc: If set to 'True', the whole model will be set in determinist mode.
|      |       Otherwise it will be guided by the data model determinism.
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ leaf_fuzz_determinism
|      | desc: If set to 'True', each typed node will be fuzzed in a deterministic
|      |       way. If set to 'False' each typed node will be fuzzed in a random
|      |       way. Otherwise, if it is set to 'None', it will be guided by
|      |       the data model determinism. Note: this option is complementary
|      |       to 'determinism' as it acts on the typed node substitutions
|      |       that occur through this disruptor
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ leaf_determinism
|      | desc: If set to 'True', all the typed nodes of the model will be set
|      |       to determinist mode prior to any fuzzing. If set to 'False',
|      |       they will be set to random mode. Otherwise, if set to 'None',
|      |       nothing will be done.
|      | default: None [type: bool]
|_ consider_sibbling_change
|      | desc: While walking through terminal nodes, if sibbling nodes are
|      |       no more the same because of existence condition for instance,
|      |       walk through the new nodes.
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ ign_mutable_attr
|      | desc: Walk through all the nodes even if their Mutable attribute is
|      |       cleared.
|      | default: False [type: bool] tSTRUCT - Alter Data Structure


Perform constraints alteration (one at a time) on each node that depends on another one regarding its existence, its quantity, its size, …

If deep is set, enable more corruption cases on the data structure, based on the internals of each non-terminal node:

  • the minimum and maximum amount of the subnodes of each non-terminal nodes



|_ init
|      | desc: make the model walker ignore all the steps until the provided
|      |       one
|      | default: 1 [type: int]
|_ max_steps
|      | desc: maximum number of steps (-1 means until the end)
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ path
|      | desc: graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ sem
|      | desc: Semantics to select nodes on which the disruptor should apply.
|      | default: None [type: str, list]
|_ deep
|      | desc: if True, enable corruption of non-terminal node internals
|      | default: False [type: bool]
Usage Example:

A typical disruptor chain for leveraging this disruptor could be:

<Data Generator> tWALK(path='path/to/some/node') tSTRUCT


Test this chain with the data example found at How to Describe a Data Format Whose Parts Change Depending on Some Fields, and set the path to the opcode node path.

See also

Refer to How to Perform Automatic Modification on Data for insight into disruptor chains. tALT - Walk Through Alternative Node Configurations


Switch the configuration of each node, one by one, with the provided alternate configuration.



|_ clone_node
|      | desc: if True, this operator will always return a copy of the node. (for
|      |       stateless disruptors dealing with big data it can be useful
|      |       to it to False)
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ init
|      | desc: make the model walker ignore all the steps until the provided
|      |       one
|      | default: 1 [type: int]
|_ max_steps
|      | desc: maximum number of steps (-1 means until the end)
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ min_node_tc
|      | desc: Minimum number of test cases per node (-1 means until the end)
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ max_node_tc
|      | desc: Maximum number of test cases per node (-1 means until the end).
|      |       This value is used for nodes with a fuzz weight strictly greater
|      |       than 1.
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ conf
|      | desc: Change the configuration, with the one provided (by name), of
|      |       all nodes reachable from the root, one-by-one. [default value
|      |       is set dynamically with the first-found existing alternate configuration]
|      | default: None [type: str, list, tuple] tCONST - Alteration of Constraints


When the CSP (Constraint Satisfiability Problem) backend are used in the node description. This operator negates the constraint one-by-one and output 1 or more samples for each negated constraint.



|_ const_idx
|      | desc: Index of the constraint to begin with (first index is 1)
|      | default: 1 [type: int]
|_ sample_idx
|      | desc: Index of the sample for the selected constraint to begin with
|      |       (first index is 1)
|      | default: 1 [type: int]
|_ clone_node
|      | desc: If True, this operator will always return a copy of the node.
|      |       (for stateless diruptors dealing with big data it can be usefull
|      |       to set it to False)
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ samples_per_cst
|      | desc: Maximum number of samples to output for each negated constraint
|      |       (-1 means until the end)
|      | default: -1 [type: int] tSEP - Alteration of Separator Node


Perform alterations on separators (one at a time). Each time a separator is encountered in the provided data, it will be replaced by another separator picked from the ones existing within the provided data.



|_ clone_node
|      | desc: if True, this operator will always return a copy of the node. (for
|      |       stateless disruptors dealing with big data it can be useful
|      |       to it to False)
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ init
|      | desc: make the model walker ignore all the steps until the provided
|      |       one
|      | default: 1 [type: int]
|_ max_steps
|      | desc: maximum number of steps (-1 means until the end)
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ min_node_tc
|      | desc: Minimum number of test cases per node (-1 means until the end)
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ max_node_tc
|      | desc: Maximum number of test cases per node (-1 means until the end).
|      |       This value is used for nodes with a fuzz weight strictly greater
|      |       than 1.
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ path
|      | desc: graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ sem
|      | desc: Semantics to select nodes on which the disruptor should apply.
|      | default: None [type: str, list]
|_ order
|      | desc: when set to True, the fuzzing order is strictly guided by the
|      |       data structure. Otherwise, fuzz weight (if specified in the
|      |       data model) is used for ordering
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ deep
|      | desc: when set to True, if a node structure has changed, the modelwalker
|      |       will reset its walk through the children nodes
|      | default: True [type: bool] tWALK - Walk Through a Data Model


Walk through the provided data and for each visited node, iterates over the allowed values (with respect to the data model). Note: no alteration is performed by this disruptor.



|_ clone_node
|      | desc: if True, this operator will always return a copy of the node. (for
|      |       stateless disruptors dealing with big data it can be useful
|      |       to it to False)
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ init
|      | desc: make the model walker ignore all the steps until the provided
|      |       one
|      | default: 1 [type: int]
|_ max_steps
|      | desc: maximum number of steps (-1 means until the end)
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ min_node_tc
|      | desc: Minimum number of test cases per node (-1 means until the end)
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ max_node_tc
|      | desc: Maximum number of test cases per node (-1 means until the end).
|      |       This value is used for nodes with a fuzz weight strictly greater
|      |       than 1.
|      | default: -1 [type: int]
|_ path
|      | desc: graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ sem
|      | desc: Semantics to select nodes on which the disruptor should apply.
|      | default: None [type: str, list]
|_ full_combinatory
|      | desc: When set to True, enable full-combinatory mode for non-terminal
|      |       nodes. It means that the non-terminal nodes will be customized
|      |       in "FullCombinatory" mode
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ leaf_determinism
|      | desc: If set to 'True', all the typed nodes of the model will be set
|      |       to determinist mode prior to any fuzzing. If set to 'False',
|      |       they will be set to random mode. Otherwise, if set to 'None',
|      |       nothing will be done.
|      | default: None [type: bool]
|_ order
|      | desc: when set to True, the walking order is strictly guided by the
|      |       data structure. Otherwise, fuzz weight (if specified in the
|      |       data model) is used for ordering
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ nt_only
|      | desc: walk through non-terminal nodes only
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ deep
|      | desc: when set to True, if a node structure has changed, the modelwalker
|      |       will reset its walk through the children nodes
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ fix_all
|      | desc: for each produced data, reevaluate the constraints on the whole
|      |       graph
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ ign_mutable_attr
|      | desc: Walk through all the nodes even if their Mutable attribute is
|      |       cleared.
|      | default: True [type: bool] tWALKcsp - Walk Through the Constraint of a Data Model


When the CSP (Constraint Satisfiability Problem) backend are used in the data description. This operator walk through the solutions of the CSP.



|_ init
|      | desc: Make the operator ignore all the steps until the provided one
|      | default: 1 [type: int]
|_ clone_node
|      | desc: If True, this operator will always return a copy of the node.
|      |       (for stateless diruptors dealing with big data it can be usefull
|      |       to set it to False)
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ notify_exhaustion
|      | desc: When all the solutions of the CSP have been walked through,
|      |       the disruptor will notify it if this parameter is set to True.
|      | default: True [type: bool]

9.2.2. Stateless Disruptors ADD - Add Data Within a Node


Add some data within the retrieved input.



|_ path
|      | desc: Graph path to select the node on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply.
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ after
|      | desc: If True, the addition will be done after the selected node.
|      |       Otherwise, it will be done before.
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ atom
|      | desc: Name of the atom to add within the retrieved input. It is mutually
|      |       exclusive with @raw
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ raw
|      | desc: Raw value to add within the retrieved input. It is mutually
|      |       exclusive with @atom.
|      | default: b'' [type: bytes, str]
|_ name
|      | desc: If provided, the added node will have this name.
|      | default: None [type: str] OP - Perform Operations on Nodes


Perform an operation on the nodes specified by the regexp path. @op is an operation that applies to a node and @params are a tuple containing the parameters that will be provided to @op. If no path is provided, the root node will be used.



|_ path
|      | desc: Graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply.
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ op
|      | desc: The operation to perform on the selected nodes.
|      | default: <function Node.clear_attr> [type: method, function]
|_ op_ref
|      | desc: Predefined operation that can be referenced by name. The current
|      |       predefined function are: 'unfreeze', 'freeze', 'walk'. Take
|      |       precedence over @op if not None.
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ params
|      | desc: Tuple of parameters that will be provided to the operation.
|      | default: () [type: tuple]
|_ clone_node
|      | desc: If True the dmaker will always return a copy of the node. (For
|      |       stateless disruptors dealing with big data it can be useful
|      |       to set it to False.)
|      | default: False [type: bool] MOD - Modify Node Contents


Perform modifications on the provided data. Two ways are possible:

  • Either the change is performed on the content of the nodes specified by the path parameter with the new value provided, and the optional constraints for the absorption (use node absorption infrastructure);

  • Or the changed is performed based on a dictionary provided through the parameter multi_mod



|_ path
|      | desc: Graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply.
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ sem
|      | desc: Semantics to select nodes on which the disruptor should apply.
|      | default: None [type: str, list]
|_ value
|      | desc: The new value to inject within the data.
|      | default: b'' [type: bytes]
|_ constraints
|      | desc: Constraints for the absorption of the new value.
|      | default: AbsNoCsts() [type: AbsCsts]
|_ multi_mod
|      | desc: Dictionary of <path>:<item> pairs or <NodeSemanticsCriteria>:<item>
|      |       pairs or <NodeInternalsCriteria>:<item> pairs to change multiple
|      |       nodes with different values. <item> can be either only the new
|      |       <value> or a tuple (<value>,<abscsts>) if new constraint for
|      |       absorption is needed
|      | default: None [type: dict]
|_ unfold
|      | desc: Resolve all the generator nodes within the input before performing
|      |       the @path/@sem research
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ clone_node
|      | desc: If True the dmaker will always return a copy of the node. (For
|      |       stateless disruptors dealing with big data it can be useful
|      |       to set it to False.)
|      | default: False [type: bool] CALL - Call Function


Call the function provided with the first parameter being the framework.data.Data object received as input of this disruptor, and optionally with additional parameters if params is set. The function should return a framework.data.Data object.

The signature of the function should be compatible with:

func(data, *args) --> Data()



|_ func
|      | desc: The function that will be called with a node as its first parameter,
|      |       and provided optionnaly with addtionnal parameters if @params
|      |       is set.
|      | default: lambda x: x [type: method, function]
|_ params
|      | desc: Tuple of parameters that will be provided to the function.
|      | default: None [type: tuple] NEXT - Next Node Content


Move to the next content of the nodes from input data or from only a piece of it (if the parameter path is provided). Basically, unfreeze the nodes then freeze them again, which will consequently produce a new data.



|_ path
|      | desc: graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ clone_node
|      | desc: if True, this operator will always return a copy of the node. (for
|      |       stateless disruptors dealing with big data it can be useful
|      |       to it to False)
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ recursive
|      | desc: apply the disruptor recursively
|      | default: True [type: str] FIX - Fix Data Constraints


Release constraints from input data or from only a piece of it (if the parameter path is provided), then recompute them. By constraints we mean every generator (or function) nodes that may embeds constraints between nodes, and every node existence conditions.

See also

Refer to How to Describe a Data Format Whose Parts Change Depending on Some Fields for insight into existence conditions.



|_ path
|      | desc: graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ clone_node
|      | desc: if True, this operator will always return a copy of the node. (for
|      |       stateless disruptors dealing with big data it can be useful
|      |       to it to False)
|      | default: False [type: bool] ALT - Alternative Node Configuration


Switch to an alternate configuration.



|_ path
|      | desc: graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ recursive
|      | desc: does the reachable nodes from the selected ones need also to
|      |       be changed?
|      | default: True [type: bool]
|_ conf
|      | desc: change the configuration, with the one provided (by name), of
|      |       all subnodes fetched by @path, one-by-one. [default value is
|      |       set dynamically with the first-found existing alternate configuration]
|      | default: None [type: str] C - Node Corruption


Corrupt bits on some nodes of the data model.



|_ path
|      | desc: graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ nb
|      | desc: apply corruption on @nb Nodes fetched randomly within the data
|      |       model
|      | default: 2 [type: int]
|_ ascii
|      | desc: enforce all outputs to be ascii 7bits
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ new_val
|      | desc: if provided change the selected byte with the new one
|      | default: None [type: str] Cp - Corruption at Specific Position


Corrupt bit at a specific byte.



|_ new_val
|      | desc: if provided change the selected byte with the new one
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ ascii
|      | desc: enforce all outputs to be ascii 7bits
|      | default: False [type: bool]
|_ idx
|      | desc: byte index to be corrupted (from 1 to data length)
|      | default: 1 [type: int] EXT - Make Use of an External Program


Call an external program to deal with the data.



|_ path
|      | desc: graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str]
|_ cmd
|      | desc: the command
|      | default: None [type: list, tuple, str]
|_ file_mode
|      | desc: if True the data will be provided through a file to the external
|      |       program, otherwise it will be provided on the command line directly
|      | default: True [type: bool] SIZE - Truncate


Truncate the data (or part of the data) to the provided size.



|_ sz
|      | desc: truncate the data (or part of the data) to the provided size
|      | default: 10 [type: int]
|_ path
|      | desc: graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str] STRUCT - Shake Up Data Structure


Disrupt the data model structure (replace ordered sections by unordered ones).



|_ path
|      | desc: graph path regexp to select nodes on which the disruptor should
|      |       apply
|      | default: None [type: str] COPY - Shallow Copy Data


Shallow copy of the input data, which means: ignore its frozen state during the copy.




Random seeds are generally set while loading the data model. This disruptor enables you to reset the seeds for the input data.