8. Evolutionary Fuzzing

8.1. Overview

Evolutionary fuzzing is a search technique inspired by evolutionary biology (Darwin) which aims at converging towards the discovery of weaknesses. It uses genetic algorithms in order to produce successive generations of test cases populations. The test cases creation is not only based on classic methods but also on the feedback retrieved from the targets. In this context, the first population is the only one instantiated the traditional way. The ones that follow are spawned using five steps:

  1. Fitness score computation: each test case, member of the current population, is given a score which is function of some metrics (impact on the target, diversity, and so on), which are calculated by the entity in charge of the monitoring aspects.

  2. Probabilities of survival association: depending on the score computed in the previous step, a probability of survival is associated to each individual.

  3. Dice are rolled: using the probabilities of survival: weakest test cases are killed.

  4. Mutation: aims to modify a little bit each individuals (flip some bits for instance) to find local optimums.

  5. Cross-over: on the contrary, involves huge changes in order to find other optimums. It combines the test cases that are still alive in order to generate even better solutions. This process is also used to compensate the kills done in step 3.


Evolutionary process

The implementation within Fuddly is divided into three main components:

8.2. User interface

An evolutionary process can be configured by extending the framework.evolutionary_helpers.Population and framework.evolutionary_helpers.Individual abstract classes. These elements describe the contract that needs to be satisfied in order for the evolutionary process to get running. Basically, the methods _initialize() and reset() can be used to initialize the first population, evolve() to get the population to the next generation and is_final() to specify a stop criteria.

As these are very generic, they bring a lot of flexibility but require some work. To address this issue, Fuddly also proposes a default implementation that describes the classic approach introduced in the previous section. Each step is expressed using one of the framework.evolutionary_helpers.DefaultPopulation methods. The evolution stops when the population extincts or if a maximum number of generation exceeds.

  • _compute_scores(): computes the individuals fitness scores, which is, in the default implementation, a random score between 0 and 100. This implementation have to be overridden to match the context. Indeed, this method is used to characterize the adaptation of each test case to the target, meaning the negative impact it had on the target. Besides, it also deals with the diversity of the population in order to avoid its premature extinction.

  • _compute_probability_of_survival(): simply normalize fitness scores between 0 and 1.

  • _kill(): rolls the dices !

  • _mutate(): operates three bit flips on each individual using the stateless disruptor C.

  • _crossover(): compensates the kills through the use of a crossover algorithm which is configurable.

Finally, to make an evolutionary process available to the framework, it has to be registered at project level (meaning inside a *_proj.py file), through framework.Project.register_evolutionary_process(). This method expects processes in the form of 3-tuples containing:

Here under is provided an example to register an evolutionary process (defined in tuto_proj.py):

from framework.evolutionary_helpers import DefaultPopulation

init_dp1 = DataProcess([('tTYPE', UI(fuzz_mag=0.2))], seed='exist_cond')
init_dp1.append_new_process([('tSTRUCT', UI(deep=True))])

     {'init_process': init_dp1,
      'max_size': 80,
      'max_generation_nb': 3,
      'crossover_algo': CrossoverHelper.crossover_algo1})

Once loaded from Fuddly, Scenario are created from registered evolutionary processes, which are callable (like any other scenarios) through their associated Generator. In our example, only one process is registered and will lead to the creation of the generator SC_EVOL1. After each call to it, the evolutionary process will progress and a new test case will be produced.

Note that the framework.evolutionary_helpers.DefaultPopulation is used with this scenario. It expects the following parameters:

  • The first one describe the process to follow to generate the data in the initial population (refer to the API documentation for more information). In the example, the process enables to generate altered data from the data type exist_cond thanks to the the disruptors tTYPE and tSTRUCT.

  • The second specify the maximum size of the population.

  • The third is a criteria to stop the evolutionary process. It provides the maximum number of generation to reach

  • The fourth is the crossover algorithm to be used. You can either provide your own implementation or use the ones available in framework.evolutionary_helpers.CrossoverHelper. Refer to Crossover Algorithms for more information.

8.3. Crossover Algorithms

The evolutionary fuzzing introduces two crossover algorithms that can be used within the crossover operation.

8.3.1. Algo1 - Randomly swap some root nodes’ children


Produce two nodes by swapping some of the children of two given graphs roots.


Algo1 example



8.3.2. Algo2 - Randomly swap some leaf nodes


Produce two children by making two graphs swap a given percentages of their leaf nodes.


Algo2 example

